Friday, April 24, 2009


As a cancer survivor I'm very interested in sharing my experience with only one intention, to make you think and take a test today and not tomorrow, because it could be to late. You have to love yourself and look after you health.
This saved my life as I have shared with you in my post "My women intuition saved my life Part I and part II. Most of men think this Blog is a women issue only, and I complete disagreed. All men either have a mum, a sister, or a daughter, a wife, or simply a woman that they care about.
After I recovered from my Breast Cancer, I began my research on how to prevent the cancer from coming back and protect my family from this disease.
I found out how important the food that we eat is in helping prevent cancer.That is why I wrote a Post about Raw Food, Berries, carrots and their properties. We have nothing to loose if we try to change the way we eat and put more attention in vegetables and fruits.
Today I found an interesting article, that I will now share with you... my friends...
A new study has found that people who eat large amounts of red and processed meat die younger.
The research, founded by the US Government, is the larges study of its kind ever conducted. It examined the diet and lifestyle of more than half a million people over a 10 years period, and found that the people who ate the most red and processed meat, including pork, had 30 per cent increase risk of death compared to people who ate the least.
The researches suggested that the increase in risk of death among red and processed meat eaters may have something to do with the types of iron in meat, the type of fat or the cooking and processing methods.
Taking in to account other risk factors, like smoking, family history of cancer and weight, researchers believe that around one in ten deaths could be prevented if people simply ate less red meat.
This latest study adds to a growing body of evidence that diets high in red meat contribute to disease. In contrast, diets based predominantly on nature's whole plants foods, including fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts, seeds and legumes, have been shown to reduce disease risk and extend both, Length and quality of life.
This is only one of many studies showing that people who eat processed meat like sausages, salami and bacon, have the highest risk of developing cancer, so it's a good idea to avoid them. Try replacing them with more salad, legumes and vegies.
If you do eat meat, try to eat less. One way is to increase the vegetables and legumes in your pasta sauces or try vegetables fritters instead of hamburgers. Another idea is to start with one meat-free day each week and increase the number as you get comfortable with cooking different meals.
By focusing more on fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts, seed and legumes, you feel better, and according to the research, you are likely to live longer as well.
-Consider reducing the amount of meat eaten.
The World Cancer Research Fund, suggest limiting intake to less than 80gr, per day, which is equivalent to the size of a deck of cards.
(Sanitarium Nutritionist
Cathy McDonals
Body and Soul 2009)

Monday, April 6, 2009


After the surgery, I was more scare, I was told to have Radiation Therapy. Something I hear before , but have no clue what is was about, how it work, what I need to do, it gone to be painful, and to many questions came to my mind, that why I feel so important to write about this treatment.


Radiation therapy,also know as radiotherapy, is a local treatment that treats cancer in a specific area of the body. Radiation therapy uses high-energy ray to kill cancer cell or to reduce the risk of them reoccurring in the part of the body being treated. It works by damaging the cell so they cannot reproduce and therefore they die off without being replaced.

In preparation for radiation therapy women are seen by a team that includes a radiation oncologist, radiation therapist and nurse. Treatment is carefully planned and the process of planning includes visiting the radiation therapy clinic for special markings to be placed on the skin over the treatment area. Sometimes this may include a small dot tattoo. The marks are to ensure the radiation therapy is delivered to the exact place it is needed.

Treatment is given Monday to Friday, usually for about six weeks.

For the treatment, you are escorted into the treatment room and positioned on the treatment couch. This is a especial couch and usually there is no mattress on it.

Family and close friends may come with you but they will be asked to leave the treatment room during the time the radiation therapist are positioning you.

You position on the treatment couch will be assessed and adjusted, so that you are in the correct position for the treatment. Lines may be drawn onto your skin with a text like pen, you will be ask that when you are bathing that you so not wash these lines off. The staff will renew any faded lines daily. These marks are only required for the time you are having treatment and will not be permanent.

When you are in the correct position, you will need to stay still. The staff will give you final instructions prior to the start of treatment.

The treatment is painless and is usually complete within a few minutes.

Treatment involve a machine treating you from a number of different directions. The treatment machine can be moved from the control area outside the treatment room, so it may not be necessary for the staff to come into the room until your treatment is completed. You may be in the treatment room for up to thirty minutes. However, this actual time the machine is on from each direction is very short, often around 20 second. You will not feel or see anything while radiation is delivered, but you may hear the machine operating.


Radiation therapy does not make you radioactive and it is safe for you to be with other people. Radiation therapy is painless, but there may be some side-effects localised to the treatment area. Usually this is a redness of the skin like mild sunburn. Some persons also feel tired toward the end of the treatment period, and this feeling of tiredness may last for a few weeks.

You will be given specific advice about caring for you skin in the treated area both during and after the course of treatment. If you get a skin reaction like mild sunburn, this will occur towards the middle or end of treatment.

It is important to get adequate rest, eat well and drink plenty of fluid during treatment to look after you general health. Regular, gentle exercise can also be helpful for your overall felling of wellness.

*** " I think you have to believe that things will get back to normal. When you're going through treatment that can be hard to do but focusing on the future is important" Carol
***" When I was first told I had breast cancer I lost a lot of my confidence. I didn't think I was ever going to feel strong again, I learnt though that I could get over this and feel like my old self again. Now I think I'm in some ways even stronger emotionally than before" Margaret
*** There were some positives. I'm not keen to go trough the whole experience again mind you, but there were positives. I think it's important for other women to know that. The things I learned I now apply to new situations and aspects of my life.Christine
*** I concentrate on myself a little more now. Not that I've become selfish but now I do what's right for me and my loves ones. I don't try to please everybody or be everything to everyone. I guess it's self preservation" Bronwyn.
*** I've brought more of the thing I enjoy into my life and I continue to do the thing I love. Humor was important to me during my cancer experience as well. I really valued people that could make me laugh. Having a good laugh, sharing a joke, or seeing the funny side of things is important to me" Helen.