Sunday, March 8, 2009

My women intuition, saved my life. Part I

8 month ago my life was filled with my family, my job and my health was good. One morning, I woke up and something just told me I need to go for a mammogram, Nearly a year earlier of my next appointment. My woman intuition talk to me and I have to listen.

June 2008 I called to Breast Screen Center to make an appointment, and within a week I was having a mammogram. Two week later I received a letter telling me to go back, other test need to be done, something change in my breast since last mammogram (In most cases women who are recalled are found not to have breast cancer). The day of my second test had arrived and I felt nervous, trying to think positive on my way to the clinic. I did the mammogram, minutes later the ultrasound and at that moment the technologist told me, you have cancer in your left breast. She asked me if I had any questions, but my mind was empty, I couldn't talk, I couldn't think, I was in shock, what a frightening experience, the day become night and the world stop for me, I'd cried.

When I get home that day, my husband an daughters were waiting for me, I told them the bad news, we hugged, we cried an after that my husband took my hands and told me, we had to go forward, we had to be positive, we have to fight together, we are going to win.

All of a sudden, our road life was taking a detour, which consisted in a surgery, radiotherapy, for the next 4 month.

As I took treatments, I realise I wasn't the only one, we are to many in the same position...hoping and fighting.

"I sheared my experience, because I'm the luckiest ones. The day I listen myself and went for the mammogram without thinking twice, save my life. The cancer in my breast was in the early stage, that mean, they have to remove only a small portion of my breast and I only need radiotherapy and not chemotherapy".
Most of my friend took my experience and they did the mammogram "today and not tomorrow", thank God everything was OK.

I often wonder what my consequences would have been if I had not listen to my "woman's intuition".

I never question why me, I just know I am to make a difference and this is my first step, 8 month later, to shared my experience, telling you there is always a hope.

Here is a ancient proverb:"If you want to know what you experience were like in the past, examine you body now.
If you want to know what you body will look like en the future, examine your experiences now"

With love for you.

I would like to specially thank the doctors, technologists,nurses an staff of:
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Peter McCallum Cancer Centre
North Western Breastcreen
Essendon BreastScreen


  1. My best wishes. Early check ups can save life for ever but people fails to do so. Now you have right experience and that most of them not have not not care what they are bearing without their knowledge.

    Take care and do well... best wishes again,


  2. Hola Tía: Está muy bonito el blog. Pero sobre todo interesante!! Mi tío me contó que ha estudiado mucho para compartir con nosotros todos estos temas, y que ya se maneja en el pc! jajajaja
    Saludos y besitos a todos.

  3. Biennnn!!!!!! me gusta mucho que compartas tu experincia con los y las demás para prevenir esta horrible enfermedad, es una muy buena obra... ¡¡¡Te felicito!!!
    Rosa Valdés, desde Chile.
